DB Dumps

Database dumps are created automatically every sunday evening and contain all data from the prior week. Each dump creates two files: players.parquet and matches.parquet. The files are stored in a directory structure that looks like this: /media/db_dumps/date_range=2023-04-23_2023-04-29/matches.parquet

You can programmatically get a list of all dumps using this endpoints: aoestats.io/api/db_dumps

* Please note that this data is not infallible. There is some dirty data that gets through my scrubbing. Notably there are some matches that have odd numbers of people (1, 3, 5, 7), which should never be the case. I would recommend doing your own data cleaning before usage.

Data Models

Database dumps are split into two files: matches and players. Each is its own data model. Below is a quick description of each model and its fields:


  • map - (string) Map the match was played on
  • started_timestamp - (datetime) When the match started, UTC
  • duration - (timestamp) Timestamp of how long the game took (in-game duration)
  • game_id - (string) id of the game, this should map to the game_id/match_id values on other websites
  • avg_elo - (float) Average elo of all players in the match
  • num_players - (int) Number of players involved in the game
  • team_0_elo - (float) Average rating of the players on team 0
  • team_1_elo - (float) Average rating of the players on team 1
  • replay_enhanced - (boolean) Whether a replay was downloaded for this match and used to enhance player information
  • leaderboard - (string) Leaderboard the match was played on
  • mirror - (boolean) Whether all players are playing the same civ
  • patch - (int) The patch the match was played on (inferred from started_timestamp)
  • raw_match_type - (int) Passthrough of match_type from community api, indicates type of match (random map ladders: 6 = 1v1, 7 = 2v2, 8 = 3v3, 9 = 4v4, controller only random map: 66 = 1v1, 67 = 2v2, 68 = 3v3, 69 = 4v4)
  • game_type - (string) Type of game (random_map, empire_wars, deathmatch, etc...)
  • game_speed - (string) Game speed (slow = 1x, casual = 1.5x, normal = 1.7x, fast = 2x
  • starting_age - (string) Starting age of the match (dark, feudal, castle, imperial, post-imperial)


  • civ - (string) Which civ the player used
  • winner - (boolean) If the player won
  • game_id - (str) id of the game, corresponds to a game id in the matches file and should map to game_id/match_id values on other websites
  • team - (int) Which team the player is on
  • feudal_age_uptime - (float) When the player advanced to feudal age, only available for replay enhanced matches
  • castle_age_uptime - (float) When the player advanced to castle age, only available for replay enhanced matches
  • imperial_age_uptime - (float) When the player advanced to imperial age, only available for replay enhanced matches
  • opening - (string) Opening used by the player for the match, inferred from replay_summary_raw, only available for replay enhanced matches
  • old_rating - (int) The player's rating at the start of the match
  • new_rating - (int) The player's rating at the end of the match
  • profile_id - (int) Player's profile id, unique per player, can be used to cross-reference the player on other sites
  • match_rating_diff - (float) Difference in rating between the two teams in the match, from this player's perspective
  • replay_summary_raw - (string/json) JSON field providing a summary units, buildings, and tech research in each age, only available for replay enhanced matches